Missing This Step KILLS Your Outdoor Furnace Chimney Cap!

Missing This Step KILLS Your Outdoor Furnace Chimney Cap! Missing This Step KILLS Your Outdoor Furnace Chimney Cap!
Part 7 of 10 - 2023 Ultimate Summer Shutdown Checklist

Your outdoor wood boiler owners’ manual states that each year you must REMOVE the chimney cap, and clean the inside of the chimney.

But why do you need a chimney cap?

Well, installing chimney caps is essential for keeping precipitation and condensation from accumulating in your furnace. This innovative chimney cap also serves as a spark arrester, and it will reduce or eliminate excessive drafts caused by wind.

We recommend using a wire brush to clean the inside of the chimney, and then use a shop to remove all ash and creosote dust. More information on Ash Removal can be found HERE.

You can use our Creosote Remover Sticks to easily remove creosote. You can read HERE for more information on how creosote remover sticks can make creosote so easy to be cleaned.

Unfortunately, every chimney should be inspected but this critical maintenance item is often overlooked. And then we get MANY calls from frantic customers.

These customers would say, "I CAN NOT REMOVE MY CHIMNEY CAP! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!!"

This is because the chimney cap is not removed every year. A chimney cap that is NOT removed every year will be very difficult to remove. It is not that the chimney cap is damaged in any way, but rather...

... becomes stuck and very difficult to remove so most customers have to hammer so hard on the cap to remove it. This can damage the chimney cap. The chimney cap gets stuck if not removed every year because a thick layer of creosote has basically WELDED the chimney cap in place.

But remember that even if it destroys your chimney cap to remove it, this STILL needs to be done -the chimney cap must be removed and the chimney must be cleaned and vacuumed out.

And, while removing chimney caps is required in order to thoroughly clean your chimney, there is a good chance that you will destroy your chimney cap if you do not do so, new chimney caps are available by clicking HERE for the 8” – HE Series chimney cap and click HERE for the 6" GX Series'.

You can also browse for more chimney components HERE.

Just don't be that guy who says: "I don't need to clean out the inside of my chimney - I can ignore the owners manual!"

If you ignore this critical maintenance item, your outdoor wood stove will die an early death! Sometimes thick layers of ash and creosote inside the chimney eat through the steel of an outdoor DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOUR OUTDOOR WOOD BURNER. 

As always, our goal is to enable you to get the MAX life expectancy from your outdoor wood burning boiler! These important maintenance items are critical!

Contact us and ask any questions! You can also visit our website OutdoorBoiler.com for more outdoor wood furnace parts.