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Fuel Costs Forecasted To RISE This Winter

Fuel Costs Forecasted To RISE This Winter

New Government Report:
Higher Fuel Costs Forecasted This Winter

A major US government agency has forecasted that "expenditures for all major home heating fuels will rise this winter due to expected colder weather and higher energy costs".
The U.S. Energy Information Administration has released the October edition of its Short-Term Energy Outlook and Winter Fuels Outlook, and in this report, the EIA is predicting average household fuel costs will rise this winter.

The EIA also acknowledges the popularity of wood as a home heating fuel. They report that one in four US rural homes uses wood as a heating fuel. 

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For more information on this report, click HERE. To defend your right to burn wood and have your voice heard, continue reading this newsletter and share it with your friends who also burn wood (and enjoy laughing).

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