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The Definitive Outdoor Wood Boiler Guide

The Definitive Outdoor Wood Boiler Guide

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You must be very wise. You are also an independent American Patriot who knows how to save money. Our goal is to help you realize the MAX savings and the BEST return on your investment - if you follow our recommendations, you should be able to get 40 years out of your outdoor boiler.

Some customers calculate that they will add more than $250,000 to their retirement, just because of their outdoor furnace!

The Definitive Outdoor Boiler Guide

This guide has 3 sections:

1. Urgent First Steps - Read this now, and take care of these urgent items first.

2. Routine Maintenance Items - This simplifies routine maintenance!

3. Other Resources - Keep this guide handy. You will eventually need ALL of this information.

This Definitive Outdoor Boiler Guide will make your outdoor wood stove last, and give you decades of worry-free heat! Here goes: 

Urgent First Steps:

1. Confirm your boiler is registered with us. This will ensure your warranty coverage continues in your name, and allow us to help you better. Click here for "Contact Us" info.

2. Completely FLUSH your boiler water every four years - read why and how here in this article "When a Complete Flush is Urgently Needed".

3. Use ONLY Liquid Armor water treatment, and submit a water sample to our lab for free water testing and analysis. Click here for info on why and how in this short article "This Year 100s of Outdoor Boilers Will Die from Stubbornness"

Also, all the water treatment info you will ever need is available from a link in the top right corner of our home page at, HERE.

4. Confirm your chimney extension (if you have one) is properly insulated - a good extension will EXTEND the life of your outdoor wood burner and we all love having them on our boilers, but the wrong type of chimney will kill your boiler in 6 months. Read why here in 30 seconds.

5. Confirm that you have a Filter Kit installed. 98% of our customers have them, but those who do not call us in 3-5 years to buy new pumps and heat exchangers - which is VERY expensive. Read why the Filter Kit is essential here.

6. Replace your Filter O-rings every two years. If you don't, your o-rings get flat, your filter will leak, and you will be tempted to screw on the filter too hard and it will crack - also very expensive. Click here for O-rings and to read why they cause your filter to leak.

7. Replace your Filter Cartridge every five years. It might seem like it is working, but the 200m stainless steel has a limited life, and the seams wear out over time. Don't think your filter is protecting you from dangerous sediment damage if you have not replaced your cartridge in the last 5 years. Take 15 seconds to read about this secret weapon against sediment.

8. Replace your Door Seal fire rope with High Temp Caulk every two years. A leaky door seal will cause your boiler to high temp, causing possible fatigue damage to the steel, which is fatal for a boiler. Click here to read "Top 6 Ways You Save Money By Replacing Your Door Seal".

9. Remove the ash completely EVERY WEEK! Some good customers don't realize that deep layers of ash will absorb moisture, and become a caustic paste that will eat through your steel. Read "Fatal Mistake" here - a 30-second read.

10. Invest in Your Emergency Preparedness Kit. All outdoor boilers will outlast these four electronic components. Regardless of the age of your boiler, be a hero to your family and be prepared in case of a catastrophic component failure.

Read more in this article "How Quickly Will FREEZE Damage Destroy Your Outdoor Wood Burning Boiler?" And this article "Spare Parts To Keep On Hand".

Check this link for our Routine Maintenance Items:

Our goal is to help you MAX your savings with your outdoor wood furnace. If you follow these important steps, your boiler will save you big on your heating bills while you heat your home and keep your Family Warm and Toasty!

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have, and visit for more outdoor wood boiler information

It is SIMPLE - Just call our office, and we will take care of anything for you over the phone @ (231) 861-8200, M-F, 9 AM - 8 PM ET.

All the best,

Your Team

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