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GX Outdoor Furnace Controller Wiring Problems? Start HERE!

GX Outdoor Furnace Controller Wiring Problems? Start HERE!

If your GX Series Hawken Outdoor Wood Boiler controller is not functioning properly, you may notice that your temp display is blank, at least at times..  We have had a couple of customers who had erratic power supply experience this same problem after a few years of operation.  

If you ever experience power outages, this may be the culprit.  The controller manufacturer has given us an upgraded wiring configuration to protect against this. (NOTE that your outdoor boiler may already have this configuration depending upon when it was purchased, but this is the proper configuration so start here.)  

Here is what you need to do:

1.      Find the red reset button in the back of your outdoor wood furnace – This is called the “High Limit Switch”.  Once the furnace has cooled down to around 150 degrees, this high limit switch can be reset.  It will not reset while the furnace is still overheated.  

To reset the high limit switch, press the red button and hold it for 5 seconds.  This might get the controller working, but not always.  Try this a few times. 

2.      It is also possible that this high limit switch has failed.  These buttons will fail to reset if they are overheated for prolonged periods of time.  You can purchase a new one and other outdoor wood furnace parts from and this is a good place to start because they are relatively inexpensive (click this link HERE).  

You can test whether this switch has failed by having an electrician connect both sides of the switch (touch the terminals on both sides with a single piece of sheathed wire).  

If this hardwire test allows the outdoor wood stove to operate, then the switch is bad.  Remember to allow the furnace to cool down to 150 degrees or lower before attempting to press the reset button.

3.      If this does not solve the problem, you will need a new controller.  Call (888) Log-Burn or 231-861-8200 to order that.  

The warranty on electronics is only one year so there may be a charge. Also, remember that your Hawken GX Series Outdoor Wood Burning Boiler requires a controller that is PRE-CONFIGURED, so you must obtain this controller directly from Click HERE.

4.      MAKE SURE that you are properly treating your Outdoor Wood Furnace water with our Liquid Armor Water Treatment and submitting a water sample every 12 months – THIS IS CRITICAL TO MAINTAINING YOUR WARRANTY.  Please properly treat your water and submit a sample to the lab; sample bottles and labels are included, and the test is free. Click HERE for more information.

5.      When you get the controller, connect it to your furnace according to the attached wiring diagram.  Even if you get your current controller to function (in step 1 above), please modify the wiring according to the attached wiring diagram.


GX Contoller Wiring Diagram

(If you need a more clear version of this drawing sent to you via email, contact at (231) 861-8200 and ask to have a copy of this file emailed to you: filename "211347-E2v2 Model (1) WITH NOTE.pdf" located in the Training/GX Wiring Diagram subdirectory, and we will gladly send this to you!)

Please note that the attached drawing shows a “Relay” and the drawing is somewhat confusing.  Since this may not be clear, let me clarify some of the specifics of this diagram:  Locate the relay – it is located behind a plate in the top of your GX control box.  Look closely at it to identify the numbered terminals.  

You will see the top 6 terminals are labelled “1” through “6”.  Assuming the relay is mounted right side up, terminal #4 is located on the left side, the second terminal down from the top.  In the drawing (attached), it appears that this terminal location is actually terminal #6.  Do not be confused…Please make sure to connect the BROWN wire to terminal #4, and the RED wire to terminal #6.

Also, please note that the attached drawing indicates on the “Relay” a circle around the letters “CR”.  The BLUE wire and the WHITE wires connect to the Relay terminals in the lower left and lower right corners.  Those terminals are not labelled with any number.  Please see the attached a photo (below) of this relay properly configured:

GX Outdoor Furnace Controller Wiring Problems? Start HERE!

This new wiring diagram is designed to help protect the controller if your power supply has any irregularities in it. This relay photo is also available via email if desired. Also, you should ask for a copy of the GX Information Guide which contains answers to many common questions regarding the GX Series Hawken Outdoor Wood Burners.

Now you can Turn UP Your Thermostat, Stay Warm, AND Save Money All Winter!

Visit our online store to browse for more outdoor wood boiler parts!

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