Outdoor Furnace: Interpreting Your Water Sample Test Results

Outdoor Furnace: Interpreting Your Water Sample Test Results


Well Done! You showed great wisdom in sending a water sample to the lab for free testing and analysis. Now for some fresh insight on those results.

In 4-6 weeks after sending the sample, you will get an email with your results. That email will simply state that your results were either SATISFACTORY or UNSATISFACTORY.

If your results were UNSATISFACTORY, please do the following: 

  1. Follow the instructions in the email, then
  2. Send us another water sample until you get a SATISFACTORY test result.
  3. If your computer-generated test results tell you to add water treatment, make SURE you add an additional one-half gallon of water treatment to what is recommended. The computer results give the amount of water treatment needed ONLY TO GET YOU A PASSING GRADE! But you need to add an additional half gallon of water treatment to your boiler so that your system will be above that passing grade, and properly protected FOR THE NEXT 12 MONTHS, until next year when you add water treatment and test again.

If your results were SATISFACTORY, just remember the following:

  1. Print and file your test results for your records. We keep them of course, but you are ultimately responsible for keeping these records.
  2. Make a note to send another water sample to the lab within 12 months of the date you collected this last sample - NOT 12 months from the date of the report.
  3. If your test results came back with an "N" or "Nitrite" reading between 1200 and 1600, add one-half gallon of Liquid Armor water treatment to your boiler! The lowest passing grade is 1200 and this extra half-gallon will ensure that your system will be protected properly for the next 12 months, without dropping below that minimum passing level.

Remember that our goal is to help your outdoor boiler system save you money for 40 years or more! Follow our recommendations and you will get the MAX savings!

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Free Water Testing

One of the most important steps in prolonging the life of your outdoor boiler is to ensure that the water in your boiler is not corroding the steel. Water starts to eat holes in steel immediately upon contact (through rust corrosion) unless properly treated. We test your outdoor boiler water for free! Get your wood boiler water treatment now!

Send your water samples!

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