Outdoor Furnace System Upgrades? FREE Expert CUSTOM Design

Outdoor Furnace System Upgrades? FREE Expert CUSTOM Design

The most popular trend this Summer is outdoor boiler system installation and redesign. This is something that may be more complicated than you anticipate. Outdoor Wood Boiler systems and installations are complicated.

There is no installation question or challenge we have not solved. We can provide a complete set of design drawings for your system that enables you to see how it all should be installed.

We have done more installations than anybody and so we have found the most high-quality yet cost-effective parts to use and the perfect design for every application.

Many customers calculate that our systems will save them over $200,000! Let's make sure YOU get the maximum savings from your outdoor wood burner system.

If you need to make any changes to your outdoor boiler system, Click HERE to request more info by email.

Remember that there is nobody in the US with more expertise in outdoor wood furnace design, manufacture, quality control, installations, and service than the experts at OutdoorBoiler.com. 

Warren Walborn

Our CEO, Warren Walborn, is the leading expert in the world on outdoor wood burning boilers, and he has testified before White House committees, and congressional hearings, and has been consulted by US Senators and Congressmen.

To learn more about Mr. Walborn, click this link HERE

We will show you which components require the highest quality, and which do not, thus achieving the highest value.

If you purchase anything that is inappropriate for your needs, the worst-case scenario is that your heating system will not offer you the HEAT you demand. It will also prevent you from the long-term SAVINGS you could achieve.

Again, some of our customers calculate that our systems will save them over $200,000 during the life of their outdoor wood stove!

This is something that may be more complicated than you anticipate so if you plan to install or modify your outdoor boiler, give us a call for no-cost assistance. Hiring the experts at OutdoorBoiler.com to help you design your system will SAVE you money, time, and aggravation. Call us for a free quote at (231) 861-8200 M- F 9 am to 8 pm or click HERE to request more info by email.

Operating Furnace FAQs:

  • Am I burning too much wood?

You may be. Is the wood properly seasoned? Have you cleared the firebox? High wood consumption can be caused by a number of factors.

  • If I don't use chemicals in the furnace water, what happens?

The water treatment coats the inside of your system and helps to slow down the development of rust and corrosion in your system.

  • Can I leave my furnace over the weekend?

You may have someone "feed" your furnace for you or you may lower the thermostat temperature.

Maintenance FAQs

  • Why is water treatment important?

The chemical (water treatment) coats the inside of the furnace to reduce the effects of corrosion on the metal. Click HERE to order our Liquid Armor Water Treatment.

  • How often do I need to Inspect my Chimney/Flue

Inspect chimney and flue monthly and clean as needed. Clean chimney and flue annually. Perform cleaning and maintenance only when no fire is present in the firebox and ashes are cooled completely.

  • What is the Importance of Catalyst in my GX Series Furnace?

Without a damaged catalyst in place, the furnace will produce more fine particulate emissions and may run less efficiently.


  • Why am I not getting hot water?

Check that the hot water system is connected properly. Check if the heat exchanger is partially or totally clogged.

  • Why does my furnace continue to burn when it is not operating?

Check the door seal, door adjustment, and solenoid.

  • What are the Common Pex Pipe Problems

Pex has its problems, however, and those should be understood when considering the piping.