"Will Trump Reverse Obama-Era EPA Regulations? Fresh Insight"

Hi Patriot,
We are often asked whether President Trump's

At first, we did not think so, since the wood heater industry is not very large and does not have a big base of lobbyists. We were wrong.
The EPA has taken several steps towards updating, and possibly even reversing the ridiculous rules passed under Obama. Even the EPA knew it needed the Obama administration because it did not formally announce their intentions to pursue these draconian rules until the day after President Obama beat the election against Mitt Romney in 2012. This was not a coincidence.
Now the Trump administration has new leadership at the EPA, and they are reversing many of the Obama-Era regulations. By last count, they had reversed, or were pursuing reversal of over 60 major regulations.
At first, the wood burning regulations were being ignored. But thanks to the great support of many of our readers, together we have attracted the attention of the Trump team, and they have been very receptive.
But the process is painfully slow.
There are many proposals being floated: One group has gotten a bill through the house that delays implementation of some of the new regulations that are to take effect in 2020.
Another group is proposing another feature - delay implementation until 2021, and allow a "sell through" period of time during which the manufacturers can sell their old inventory.
Here at OutdoorBoiler.com, we believe that the entire NSPS 2015 should be reversed. This issue is much like the legalization of marijuana - it should be left up to individual states and local communities.
States like Michigan and Wisconsin would probably not pass a state-wideban on any wood-burning device. If a state like New York desires to incorporate rules, they can simply use the format already created by theEPA. But lawmakers in those states will face the wrath of their voters if they go too far. This is an accountability that the EPA does not have - there are no voters who can stop their paychecks. The EPA has been unchecked regulation without representation.
Again, we support a complete reversal of the ban on outdoor boilers. Wood stove regulations can be addressed by the experts in their respective industries, but as for us, we have and continue to strongly recommend that all EPA regulations on outdoor wood boilers be left to the states and local communities.
I will never forget attending a hearing at the Michigan state house committee which was attended remotely by a group of people in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. As these new EPA rules were being explained to them, they asked the question: "Do these people in Washington really understand what it is like to live in 95% of America? We live in the woods! Our nearest neighbors are more than 1/2 mile away! And since when do they think they can tell us how we should heat our homes?"
Everyone in the room was silent for a few moments. We all took it in. This was a stark reminder that Washington really is completely out of touch.
Now may be the time to set things straight!
And don't forget to Laugh! Click HERE to see our latest hilarious video.
All the best,
If you want to support our efforts to end the ban on outdoor boilers, simply click here to purchase Liquid Armor water treatment, since a portion of the proceeds from every gallon sold goes to our efforts.
You can also contribute to our efforts by contacting our office at (231) 221-0104.
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