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How to Protect Your Outdoor Wood Boiler from Summer Damage

How to Protect Your Outdoor Wood Boiler from Summer Damage 

To help you keep your family warm and comfortable, AND build wealth, there are just a few things we recommend that you think about this time of year regarding your outdoor wood boiler. Test your Outdoor Wood Boiler IQ and see if you know the answers to these questions:

What are the steps needed to prevent Summer damage to your outdoor wood boiler? What is the Risk?

What are the most critical replacement parts? 

Take 60 seconds and read the article below, and then give us a call and let us know how we can help you.

Remember, you can guarantee to keep your family warm and comfortable, AND build wealth, but only if you follow our recipe to create value - invest wisely, careful operations, proper maintenance, and parts and supplies extend the life of your outdoor wood boiler.

What are the biggest risks for Summer damage to your outdoor wood boiler?

  • Summer is when great corrosion happens! Always leave your boiler completely full of properly treated water.
  • NEVER leave ash in your boiler during the summer. Remove ALL ash, and scrape the firebox completely clean.

    How do you keep your boiler updated with the most critical replacement parts?

  • Replace filter O-Rings every two years
  • Use a chimney extension for longer boiler life
  • Replace filter cartridge every 2-3 years
  • Completely flush boiler every 2 years
  • Replace door seal every 1-3 years
  • Why A New Door Seal Is Required to your Outdoor Wood Furnace Every 2-3 Years
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