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Why A New Door Seal Is Required to your Outdoor Wood Furnace Every 2-3 Years

Why A New Door Seal Is Required to your Outdoor Wood Furnace Every 2-3 Years

Your door gasket ("Fire Rope" or "Door Seal") on your outdoor wood boiler must be replaced typically every 2-3 years. This is a normal maintenance routine that we highly recommend so that you can keep your outdoor wood boiler healthy and efficient, and this also reduces your workload.

If your door seal is failing, AIR will leak into your outdoor wood boiler in idle mode and this will cause the following problems:

- Reduced efficiency of your outdoor wood boiler

- Wastes your precious wood fuel

- Increases your workload

- Possible outdoor wood furnace overheating

- Possible loss of water (and water treatment!) that must be replaced

- In some cases, damage to overheated steel, particularly the door and door frame of your outdoor wood boiler


Another problem with a leaky door seal is that in the firing mode, some of your heat will escape through the door seal, rather than sending that BTUs to your home. 

The process of replacing your door seal is simple - Easy Instructions are available on our website by clicking HERE. 

Remember that the door seal replacement kit requires BOTH the fire rope, AND the high temp caulk. Both items are available by clicking HERE.

If you have any questions, call Us TODAY at (231) 861-8200, or go online at!

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