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3 Biggest Installation Mistakes You Can Make With Your Outdoor Furnace

3 Biggest Installation Mistakes You Can Make With Your Outdoor Furnace


What do you want from your outdoor wood burner installation? The TOP 2 Answers we get to this question are as follows:

  1. An installation design that will save the most money long-term
  2. The RIGHT design to give me the heat I need

Are you saving the most money possible? Are you getting all the heat you need?

If not, now is the time to fix it, before it is too late. Labor Day is next week when the Heating Prep Season officially begins.

Here's the great news - even though installation designs are very complicated, we have helped more than 10,000 homeowners like you design the perfect system. There is no reason for you to become an expert in outdoor boilers when we can do it for you for FREE. Our customers get our FREE design services, a $695 value!

So just call us if you have any concerns about your installation! And read our article below which describes the 3 Biggest Installation Mistakes.

We want your outdoor wood furnace installation to give you all the heat you need, and save you the most money over the long term.

Therefore, your installation must be designed properly from the beginning. Many mistakes can be made with an outdoor boiler installation, but here are the TOP 3 Installation Mistakes:

  1. No Filter
  2. Using an UNinsulated Chimney Extension
  3. Installing low-quality underground Insulated PEX


  1. Filter

Approximately 98 percent of our customers have the Filter Kit already installed. Since all outdoor boilers are open to the atmosphere, and since sediment is the secret killer of outdoor boiler pumps and heat exchangers, if you don't have a filter, it is only a matter of a few years before your pumps and heat exchangers will fail and require expensive replacement.

The good news is that you can install a filter kit now, and it is like getting a new kidney - if caught in time, it will clean your system and save your components.

Without a filter, you also risk damage to your outdoor boiler steel from corrosive sediment. Don't allow this to happen.

Read more on the need for your filter kit HERE.

  1. Chimney Extensions MUST Be Insulated

We recommend chimney extensions. They extend the life of a boiler, and they make working around your boiler much more pleasant since the smoke is up and out of the way.

However, you must never install an uninsulated chimney extension. All wood fuel, even the most seasoned hardwood, contains moisture. We want that moisture to exit the furnace harmlessly in the form of steam.

When you have an uninsulated chimney extension, that steam will condense on the inside walls of the chimney extension and drip a highly caustic rain back down into your boiler and eat through the steel.

Click HERE for more information on this common mistake.

  1. Low-Quality Underground Insulated PEX

Underground Insulated PEX comes in many varieties and qualities. There is no better Insulated PEX than our brand, Heat Mizer. Even though our brand is of the highest quality, you can spend MORE on lower-grade brands.

But at our wholesale price, there is no better value available anywhere.

To become an expert on Underground Insulated PEX, watch our short video on mistakes to avoid with Insulated PEX.

Most importantly, if anyone attempts to sell you insulated pex with the black outer casing, STAY AWAY! The black outer casing is drain tile and it has not been manufactured to be waterproof. It will have pin hole leaks that over time will allow water to seep into your underground pipe. Then, your pipe will not be insulated - it will suck heat AWAY from your pipe as it passes through the ground. Remember that the earth can absorb an infinite amount of heat.

If you have any concerns about your installation, please call us or send us an email and we will help you get your installation in perfect condition before the heating season starts - so you can Keep Your Family Toasty Warm and Comfortable for Decades!


The most popular trend this Summer is outdoor wood boiler system installation and redesign. This is something that may be more complicated than you anticipate so if you plan to install or modify your outdoor boiler, give us a call for no-cost assistance. Click here for contact info.

There is no installation question or challenge we have not solved. We can provide a complete set of design drawings for your system that enables you to see how it all should be installed. We have done more installations than anybody and so we have found the most high-quality yet cost-effective parts to use and the perfect design for every application.

Just contact us for free design services and we will be happy to help you! Click here to learn more.


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With FREE Technical Support, our hundreds of videos, articles, operations & maintenance tips, and FREE Design Services, we guarantee that we will provide you the right answer to your question or solution to your problem."


Our Customer Promise

Customer support begins with a great customer service team. Our dedicated team is trained and experienced in all things outdoor wood furnaces.

You can always expect a human on the other end of the line. We know what’s important to you - your family, saving money, and keeping your house toasty warm - and we make that our highest priority. Contact us!


Free Water Testing

One of the most important steps in prolonging the life of your outdoor boiler is to ensure that the water in your boiler is not corroding the steel. Water starts to eat holes in steel immediately upon contact (through rust corrosion) unless properly treated. We test your outdoor boiler water for free! Get your wood boiler water treatment now!

Send your water samples!

Learn more.

EPA Rules on Outdoor Boilers Change in 2020
Your One-Stop Source For Outdoor Wood Furnace Info

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