Outdoor Furnace: Top 4 Ways To Increase Your Home Value!

Top 4 Ways To INCREASE
Your Home's Value!
What would you do with an extra $50,000? There are small things you can do to significantly affect the value of your home NOW.
Experts agree that the top 4 ways to increase your home value (listed below) include some basics, like your HEATING SYSTEM! Obviously, that includes your Outdoor Wood Boiler that heats your home and the associated installation components. Spending money on your heating system will come back to you in your home's value at 100% or possibly higher values!
Here are the TOP 4 Investments that improve home value:
1. Kitchen
2. Bath
3. Heating System (no kidding!)
4. Curb Appeal
The VALUE of your home's existing heating system depends upon these factors:
1. Is the INSTALLATION following factory-authorized design and components?
2. Is it properly MAINTAINED?
3. Is the WARRANTY valid?
Let's discuss each of these items:
1. First, does your outdoor wood burning boiler installation follow the proper factory-authorized design and use quality components? When we get calls from customers with failed boiler circulating pumps or heat exchangers, we can almost guarantee that they were not installed properly, or there was no filter installed and sediment is destroying the system.
2. Next, is your outdoor wood furnace properly maintained? If you read and follow these newsletter emails, you will be in great shape! Most importantly, make sure you follow proper water treatment and ash management procedures. Click HERE for a brief article on these procedures.
3. Finally, is the WARRANTY on your outdoor wood burner valid and up-to-date. This is simple to find out - just call our office at (231) 861-8200 and ask. We will look at your file and make sure we have all the necessary information on your system (such as the serial number and contact info). We can also confirm for you that your water sample testing history is up to date.
Remember that all outdoor wood stove systems should include a filter, and use only factory authorized boiler pumps, blower fans, and other components. If you have ANY questions about whether your system was installed properly, contact us and we can help! Also, for more information, click on this article: "Why Should I Have A Filter For My Outdoor Boiler?"
We want you to Stay WARM, Turn UP Your Thermostat, and Save LOTS of Money on your heating bills. We also want you to get the greatest increase in your home value possible with your outdoor boiler!
To purchase more outdoor wood boiler parts, visit our online store OutdoorBoiler.com!
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With FREE Technical Support, our hundreds of videos, articles, operations & maintenance tips, and FREE Design Services, we guarantee that we will provide you the right answer to your question or solution to your problem."
Free Water Testing
One of the most important steps in prolonging the life of your outdoor boiler is to ensure that the water in your boiler is not corroding the steel. Water starts to eat holes in steel immediately upon contact (through rust corrosion) unless properly treated. We test your outdoor boiler water for free!
Free Design Service
There is no installation question or challenge we have not solved. We can provide a complete set of design drawings for your system that enables you to see how it all should be installed.
We have done more installations than anybody and so we have found the most high-quality yet cost-effective parts to use and the perfect design for every application. Hiring the experts at OutdoorBoiler.com to help you design your system will SAVE you money, time, and aggravation.