Biggest Mistakes You Can Make With Your Outdoor Wood Boiler

We want your outdoor wood burner installation to give you all the heat you need, and save you the most money over the long term.
Your installation must be correctly designed from the beginning. However, there are many mistakes that can be made with an outdoor wood burning boiler installation, but here are the TOP 3 Installation Mistakes:
1. No Filter
2. Using an UNinsulated Chimney Extension
3. Installing low-quality underground Insulated PEX
1. Filter
Approximately 98 percent of our customers have the Filter Kit already installed. Since all outdoor boilers are open to the atmosphere, and since sediment is the secret killer of outdoor boiler pumps and heat exchangers, if you don't have a filter, it is only a matter of a few years before your pumps and heat exchangers will fail and require expensive replacement.
The good news is that you can install a filter kit now, and it is like getting a new kidney - if caught in time, it will clean your system and save your components.
You also risk corrosive sediment damaging your outdoor boiler steel if you don't use a filter. You should never allow this to happen.
Read more on the need for your filter kit HERE.
2. Chimney Extensions MUST Be Insulated
We recommend chimney extensions. They extend the life of a boiler, and they make working around your boiler much more pleasant since the smoke is up and out of the way.
However, do not install an uninsulated chimney extension. Never. All wood fuel, even the most seasoned hardwood, contains moisture. We want that moisture to exit the outdoor furnace harmlessly in the form of steam.
When you have an uninsulated chimney extension, that steam will condense on the inside walls of the chimney extension and drip a highly caustic rain back down into your outdoor wood stove and eat through the steel.
Click HERE for more information on this common mistake.
3. Low-Quality Underground Insulated PEX
Underground Insulated PEX tubing comes in many varieties and qualities. Our Heat Mizer brand of insulated PEX pipe is the best to utilize for your outdoor wood furnace. Even though our brand is the best, you can save money by purchasing lower-quality products.
Why is Heat Mizer Brand the BEST Value?
- "Forever Waterproof" design
- Lowest Heat Loss Ever – Less than one degree of heat loss over 200 feet!
- Industry Leading Warranty - Full Replacement Coverage, including LABOR!
- Perfect Performance Record - Over 2 Million Sold and ZERO Failures
- Experts Agree! Our proprietary design has been PERFECTED over 30 years!
- All Insulated PEX customers who purchase a minimum length of 100' will get FREE Design Service ($695 value)
At our wholesale price, there is no better value available anywhere.
To become an expert on Underground Insulated PEX, watch our short video on mistakes to avoid with Insulated PEX.
Most importantly, if anyone attempts to sell you insulated pipes with the black outer casing, STAY AWAY! The black outer casing is actually a drain tile and it has not been manufactured to be waterproof. It will have pin hole leaks that over time will allow water to seep into your underground pipe.
Then, your pipe will not be insulated - it will suck heat AWAY from your pipe as it passes through the ground. Remember that the earth can absorb an infinite amount of heat.
If you have any concerns about your piping system installation, please call us or send us an email and we will help you get your installation in perfect condition before the heating season starts - so you can Keep Your Family Toasty Warm and Comfortable for Decades!
The most popular trend this Summer is outdoor burning furnace system installation and redesign. This is something that may be more complicated than you anticipate so if you plan to install or modify your outdoor boiler, give us a call for no-cost assistance. Click here for contact info.
There is no installation question or challenge we have not solved. We can provide a complete set of design drawings for your system that enables you to see how it all should be installed. We have done more installations than anybody and found the most high-quality yet cost-effective parts to use, and the perfect design for every application.
For more information about our Heat Mizer Underground Insulated PEX and to browse for more outdoor wood boiler parts visit Just contact us for free design services and we will be happy to help you!